Algunos de los colaboradores más cercanos a Albert Rivera están intentando convencer al líder de Ciudadanos
para que se presente como cabeza de lista tanto a las elecciones
generales como a las catalanas, algo que él no decidirá hasta después de
las elecciones municipales y autonómicas de mayo.
Los buenos resultados obtenidos en Andalucía,
donde la formación de origen catalán logró nueve diputados, han
encendido en el seno del partido el debate sobre el futuro de su
presidente. Algunos dirigentes de Ciudadanos, conscientes de que Rivera
es su mejor activo electoral, además de su único rostro reconocible para
el gran público, animan al líder a presentarse como cabeza de lista en
los dos comicios, según confirmó este periódico. El presidente de la
formación, sin embargo, considera que podrá calcular mejor sus opciones
tras las próximas elecciones autonómicas y municipales, que servirán de
termómetro de la verdadera fuerza de Ciudadanos. Considera, además, que
sería objeto de críticas si opta por presentarse en las dos
convocatorias, lo que le obligaría a protagonizar dos campañas en un
trimestre si las elecciones catalanas son finalmente convocadas para
septiembre y las generales son a finales de 2015.
Ayer, en Las Palmas, el discurso de Rivera dejó entrever lo que
confirman fuentes de su círculo íntimo: hoy está más cerca de decidirse
por optar a la presidencia del Gobierno que a la de la Generalitat,
donde algunas encuestas sitúan ahora mismo a Ciudadanos como la segunda
fuerza política de la comunidad.
“Hay gente que se olvida de que cuando gobiernas España también
gobiernas Cataluña”, explicó Rivera en un foro organizado en Las Palmas
por Editorial Prensa Canaria. “Ese dilema personal y político lo
resolveremos en verano, después de las elecciones de mayo (…)”, añadió.
“El último pueblecito de Gran Canaria es tan español como la Castellana.
Quien no entienda eso, quien tenga una visión del centro y la
periferia, de la península y las islas, de Cataluña y España… ese tipo
de lenguaje no va conmigo ni con nosotros”, cerró el presidente de
Ciudadanos antes de desvelar algunas de sus propuestas en materia de
empleo. Así, Rivera prometió ayer un cheque de 1.200 euros para
formación “a todos los parados españoles”, sin que nadie en la formación
aclarara si de él quedarían excluidos los extranjeros residentes en
España. Sin desvelar cómo financiaría esa medida, también propuso una
bonificación de 50 euros para que los autónomos paguen menos cuota el
primer año o eximir un año del pago a la Seguridad Social al empresario
que saque a una persona del paro.
Ciudadanos, según fuentes consultadas, observa las elecciones de mayo
como la única posibilidad de obtener una foto fija que permita a sus
dirigentes saber con cuántos apoyos cuenta en España. La formación, que
no tiene en este momento más que 16 concejales elegidos bajo sus siglas,
está en pleno proceso de expansión nacional. Sin estructura fuera de
Cataluña hasta este mismo año, todo es nuevo. Todo, en consecuencia,
está sometido a debate.
“Están cambiando tanto las cosas que aún no sabemos si Albert se
presentará a las generales o se quedará en Cataluña”, resumió en
conversación telefónica Inés Arrimadas, diputada de Ciudadanos en
Cataluña. “Nosotros estamos en un partido de primarias y quien quiera
presentarse tendrá que someterse a ese proceso”, recordó la diputada,
que está ganando protagonismo público a medida que el partido intenta
consolidar su expansión nacional. “No me lo he planteado, quedan muchas
incógnitas por resolver”, argumentó sobre la posibilidad de que ella
liderara al partido en Cataluña. “Queda mucho partido. Estamos en un
proceso de crecimiento importante. Queremos ver qué pasa en las
municipales y en las autonómicas, cuál es la aceptación real del
proyecto a nivel nacional, que creemos que será muy buena, no hay más
que ver las andaluzas”, añadió. “Eso va a ser determinante para ver cómo
nos presentamos en España y qué pasará en Cataluña”, siguió. “No hay
que vender la piel del oso antes de cazarla”.
natural gas will start flowing to China in 2019 as planned but
construction of the pipeline carrying it will not be fully completed
until 2022, a Gazprom spokesman told Reuters on Monday. - See more at:
natural gas will start flowing to China in 2019 as planned but
construction of the pipeline carrying it will not be fully completed
until 2022, a Gazprom spokesman told Reuters on Monday.
The state-run gas producer said last week the huge Power of Siberia pipeline to carry gas from new East Siberian fields to China would not be completed until 2022, three years later than originally projected, but did not give details about gas deliveries.
Three sources with direct knowledge of the Gazprom's plans had told Reuters that Russia might postpone completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline until it built another route from existing fields.
"The gas will start flowing to China in 2019. The pipeline will be fully completed in 2022 when all the pumping stations will be built. Its capacity will be gradually increased until it reaches its peak," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the start of the Power of Siberia construction in September in the Far Eastern Republic of Yakutia. He pays close attention to the energy projects as oil and gas sales account for a half of state budget's revenues.
Power of Siberia will start at 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in 2019, ramping up to 38 bcm eventually, he said. The pipeline construction costs are 800.000 billion roubles ($14.4 billion).
Russia is also pushing for plans to sell China additional 30 bcm of gas per year through the so-called western route, or Altai project. Moscow wants to secure the deal with Beijing later this year.
($1 = 55.3940 roubles)
- See more at:
The state-run gas producer said last week the huge Power of Siberia pipeline to carry gas from new East Siberian fields to China would not be completed until 2022, three years later than originally projected, but did not give details about gas deliveries.
Three sources with direct knowledge of the Gazprom's plans had told Reuters that Russia might postpone completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline until it built another route from existing fields.
"The gas will start flowing to China in 2019. The pipeline will be fully completed in 2022 when all the pumping stations will be built. Its capacity will be gradually increased until it reaches its peak," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the start of the Power of Siberia construction in September in the Far Eastern Republic of Yakutia. He pays close attention to the energy projects as oil and gas sales account for a half of state budget's revenues.
Power of Siberia will start at 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in 2019, ramping up to 38 bcm eventually, he said. The pipeline construction costs are 800.000 billion roubles ($14.4 billion).
Russia is also pushing for plans to sell China additional 30 bcm of gas per year through the so-called western route, or Altai project. Moscow wants to secure the deal with Beijing later this year.
($1 = 55.3940 roubles)
- See more at:
natural gas will start flowing to China in 2019 as planned but
construction of the pipeline carrying it will not be fully completed
until 2022, a Gazprom spokesman told Reuters on Monday.
The state-run gas producer said last week the huge Power of Siberia pipeline to carry gas from new East Siberian fields to China would not be completed until 2022, three years later than originally projected, but did not give details about gas deliveries.
Three sources with direct knowledge of the Gazprom's plans had told Reuters that Russia might postpone completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline until it built another route from existing fields.
"The gas will start flowing to China in 2019. The pipeline will be fully completed in 2022 when all the pumping stations will be built. Its capacity will be gradually increased until it reaches its peak," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the start of the Power of Siberia construction in September in the Far Eastern Republic of Yakutia. He pays close attention to the energy projects as oil and gas sales account for a half of state budget's revenues.
Power of Siberia will start at 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in 2019, ramping up to 38 bcm eventually, he said. The pipeline construction costs are 800.000 billion roubles ($14.4 billion).
Russia is also pushing for plans to sell China additional 30 bcm of gas per year through the so-called western route, or Altai project. Moscow wants to secure the deal with Beijing later this year.
($1 = 55.3940 roubles)
- See more at:
The state-run gas producer said last week the huge Power of Siberia pipeline to carry gas from new East Siberian fields to China would not be completed until 2022, three years later than originally projected, but did not give details about gas deliveries.
Three sources with direct knowledge of the Gazprom's plans had told Reuters that Russia might postpone completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline until it built another route from existing fields.
"The gas will start flowing to China in 2019. The pipeline will be fully completed in 2022 when all the pumping stations will be built. Its capacity will be gradually increased until it reaches its peak," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the start of the Power of Siberia construction in September in the Far Eastern Republic of Yakutia. He pays close attention to the energy projects as oil and gas sales account for a half of state budget's revenues.
Power of Siberia will start at 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in 2019, ramping up to 38 bcm eventually, he said. The pipeline construction costs are 800.000 billion roubles ($14.4 billion).
Russia is also pushing for plans to sell China additional 30 bcm of gas per year through the so-called western route, or Altai project. Moscow wants to secure the deal with Beijing later this year.
($1 = 55.3940 roubles)
- See more at:
natural gas will start flowing to China in 2019 as planned but
construction of the pipeline carrying it will not be fully completed
until 2022, a Gazprom spokesman told Reuters on Monday.
The state-run gas producer said last week the huge Power of Siberia pipeline to carry gas from new East Siberian fields to China would not be completed until 2022, three years later than originally projected, but did not give details about gas deliveries.
Three sources with direct knowledge of the Gazprom's plans had told Reuters that Russia might postpone completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline until it built another route from existing fields.
"The gas will start flowing to China in 2019. The pipeline will be fully completed in 2022 when all the pumping stations will be built. Its capacity will be gradually increased until it reaches its peak," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the start of the Power of Siberia construction in September in the Far Eastern Republic of Yakutia. He pays close attention to the energy projects as oil and gas sales account for a half of state budget's revenues.
Power of Siberia will start at 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in 2019, ramping up to 38 bcm eventually, he said. The pipeline construction costs are 800.000 billion roubles ($14.4 billion).
Russia is also pushing for plans to sell China additional 30 bcm of gas per year through the so-called western route, or Altai project. Moscow wants to secure the deal with Beijing later this year.
($1 = 55.3940 roubles)
- See more at:
The state-run gas producer said last week the huge Power of Siberia pipeline to carry gas from new East Siberian fields to China would not be completed until 2022, three years later than originally projected, but did not give details about gas deliveries.
Three sources with direct knowledge of the Gazprom's plans had told Reuters that Russia might postpone completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline until it built another route from existing fields.
"The gas will start flowing to China in 2019. The pipeline will be fully completed in 2022 when all the pumping stations will be built. Its capacity will be gradually increased until it reaches its peak," Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw the start of the Power of Siberia construction in September in the Far Eastern Republic of Yakutia. He pays close attention to the energy projects as oil and gas sales account for a half of state budget's revenues.
Power of Siberia will start at 5 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas in 2019, ramping up to 38 bcm eventually, he said. The pipeline construction costs are 800.000 billion roubles ($14.4 billion).
Russia is also pushing for plans to sell China additional 30 bcm of gas per year through the so-called western route, or Altai project. Moscow wants to secure the deal with Beijing later this year.
($1 = 55.3940 roubles)
- See more at:
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